Thursday 8 December 2011

Is there a solution under Capitalism? Meeting at the Occupy LSX Building

Wednesday, 14 December 2011 - 18:30 until 20:30 - Bank of Ideas, Sun Street, London EC2

In the present period even a cursory glance at a newspaper on any given day is enough to tell you that there is something deeply wrong with the world in which we live. As both food prices and unemployment reach record levels while Western governments embark on brutal austerity programs, the mass of ordinary people the world over find themselves paying for a crisis they didn’t cause. Add to this the extreme poverty and starvation experienced by many in the so call ‘developing’ world and it is clear the system isn’t working.

However across the globe a fight back by the 99% has begun. From the Arab Spring, to the Spanish indignados and the worldwide Occupy movement people have stood up and said enough is enough. But what is the solution to these problems? Can Capitalism be reformed or must it be replaced with a new, more humane, system?

Come to this special meeting at the Bank of Ideas, an abandoned office block reclaimed by the Occupy movement, and hear Alan Woods, author and editor of, give the case for socialist revolution as the only solution to the problems that face humanity.

Alan Woods at Hands off Venezuela Conference 2010

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